Welcome to Line of Dance

Meet Lynda, a passionate dancer who saw a common struggle in the dance community – finding perfectly fitting dancewear and shoes. Recognizing the frustration and costs associated with online ordering and returning ill-fitting items, Lynda embarked on a mission to create Line of Dance.
At Line of Dance, we understand the value of quality dancewear. That's why we provide a platform for dancers to sell gently used or unused items, giving them a second life. Whether it’s a costume you no longer need, a leotard that didn't quite fit or a pair of shoes that didn't work out after a few practices, Line of Dance allows sellers to pass on these items to someone who will appreciate them. For buyers, it's the perfect opportunity to find that elusive item and have the assurance that it will fit just right.

Our name reflects the essence of our mission. We strive to give dancewear a new life, allowing it to take another turn around the dance floor. With a commitment to sustainability and quality, Line of Dance offers a diverse selection of pre-loved dancewear, ensuring that each item continues its journey.